Working groups

Regardless of the currently realized projects, members of AEGEE - Poznan have the opportunity to engage in the activities of working groups. During weekly meetings, topics related to the current activities of our organization as well as issues directly related to a specific field are discussed. Activity in working groups gives above all opportunity to exchange experiences, broaden your knowledge, gain new skills and constant development. AEGEE - Poznan operates three working groups: Public Relations, Human Resources and Fundraising. If you do not know yet where to start your adventure in AEGEE - Poznan. Working group is the right option. You just have to come to our meeting or contact the coordinator of a given group. What’s more important you can be a member of several working groups at the same time!

Human resources


Koordynator grupy: Marysia Sędziejowska
Kontakt do koordynatora:

Students who make up this group are curious about the world, are not afraid of meeting new people, help organize project teams, have knowledge in the field of recruitment and functioning of the organization. Also they provide entertainment and take care of work in AEGEE is intertwined with pleasant memories. Except this during the meetings they discussed about the HR industry in companies, including how to write creative CV, job interview, motivation and training. If you fit this atmosphere do not hesitate and come to our meeting! ?

Public relations


Koordynator grupy: Karolina Czasnowicz
Kontakt do koordynatora:

W ramach działalności grupy zajmujemy się szeroko rozumianą promocją oraz wszystkim tym co związane z Public Relations naszej organizacji. Dbamy o relacje z otoczeniem i wizerunek AEGEE-Poznań. Tworzymy kampanie promocyjne, nawiązujemy kontakty z mediami, instytucjami i innymi organizacjami. Działalność w grupie PR daje możliwość rozwoju osobom o różnorodnych zainteresowaniach! Jeżeli lubisz kontakt z mediami, masz tzw. „lekkie pióro”, interesuje Cię promocja i marketing, a może media społecznościowe, informatyka, albo grafika komputerowa to coś w czym odnajdujesz się najlepiej? Jeżeli tak, to trafiłeś idealnie! Poza bieżącą działalnością AEGEE-Poznań na spotkaniach poruszamy różnorodne zagadnienia związane z branżą Public Relations. Przyjdź i przekonaj się sam, czy działalność w grupie PR to coś dla Ciebie!



Koordynator grupy: Adam Tur
Kontakt do koordynatora:

Fundraising is one of the most developing areas in our organization. Working in a working group consists of obtaining financial and material sponsoring, grants, or writing applications for financing (grants). Working in FR WG gives you an opportunity to establish relationships with the business world, gain valuable experience and skills like sales techniques, communication and negotiation.